Working from a Shelf in Zoetermeer

Working from a Shelf in Zoetermeer

This is one of several pictures that are included in a blog post about the different desks I worked from in 2015.

I’m a digital nomad so there were several desks that year but, as you can see from the picture above, my “desk” wasn’t always a real desk. Sometimes I had to make do with any space I could find that was the right height to work from and had an electric socket nearby.

This is where I worked from during the month I spent living in Zoetermeer (Netherlands).

The person I was renting the room from had been using the room as a workshop. It had not table or desk but there was set of shelves that covered one of the walls. I had to have a can-do attitude and use an area of shelving as a desk. I sat there working several hours a day. The Desks I Left Behind Me (2015)

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