I took this photograph in the Grote Markt at Nijmegen. As you can see, the weather was not good that day.
The Grote Markt is the city’s main market square. It has some interesting, old building such as the one you can see in the picture.
The building you are looking at is the Boterwaag, often called the Waag for short. It was built in 1612 and restored in 1886. The Boterwaag in Nijmegen is an Dutch national monument.
The word “waag” means weight or weigh scale. There are waag building in many old Dutch cities. They were originally the place where traders had to weigh the cheese and other products they were selling.
“Boter” translated to “butter” so, in this case, it appears the main item being traded may have been butter.
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I uploaded this picture of Nijmegen Grote Markt and Waag to use in a blog post about I day I went exploring Nijmegen in the rain. If you want to read the post, here’s a link: A Rainy Day in Nijmegen
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