Making a Wooden Support

Making a Wooden Support

If you’ve landed on this page you are seeing this picture out of context. This is a media attachment page. The blog automatically creates these pages every time I upload a photo to use on the blog.

This picture goes with a short blog post I wrote about the few weeks I spent living in Enschede. Instead of paying rent, I traded my handyman skill for free accommodation. I did 25 hours of work in the house and the owner let me live there for free.

Looking at the picture, you may think I was making a bench for the garden. That’s not the case.

The girl who owned the house bought super-sized mattress that was too large for her bed. She asked me to build a wooden support to attach to the side of the bed and support the overhanging mattress from underneath.

After I’d taken the measurements, I drew up some plans and got to work. The picture shows the support before I added the legs. Sawing and drilling wood makes a mess so I was working outside.

That’s the explanation about why this picture is here. If you want to read the blog post I uploaded it for, you can do so here: Working Hard in Rent-Free Accommodation in Enschede

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