Lavadero del Espinar/Tourist Information Office (Mondéjar, Spain)

Lavadero del Espinar: A Historic Laundry Repurposed as a Tourist Information Office


The Lavadero del Espinar is an old, stone-built building in Mondéjar. It was originally one of two places where the local community could go and hand wash their clothes. The other option was to go to the Lavadero del Pilar, which is located slightly further away but still within easy walking distance.

I haven’t been able to find out when the Lavadero del Espinar was constructed but the council completed restoration work in 2008. Three years later, in 2011, the historic laundry building became home to the Mondéjar tourist information office.

There is a long stone water trough outside the building but the main washing area is inside. Although the area above the main pool has no roof, the area that surrounds it is covered. So, when the building was still being used for its original purpose, people washing their clothes would have had some shade from the sun.

A plaque on the outer wall of the building states the square beside the building is dedicated to the memory of victims of terrorism.

Tiled Memorial Plaque

Even though the Lavadero del Espinar houses the Mondéjar tourist information office, it was never open when I passed by. The doors were locked and it was not possible to see inside. However, there doesn’t really appear to be much interesting to see. The Lavadero del Pilar is a much more interesting place to visit.

How to Find the Lavadero del Espinar

The Lavadero del Espinar is very easy to find, especially if you arrive in Mondéjar by bus. It’s located just behind the Castilla la Mancha bus stop. [MAP]

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